Posted by Vince McCormack
October 27 - Nov 15, 2024The Flags are coming out again!You can be a part of our community’s tribute to the heroes in our lives – past and present. This is your opportunity to honor your personal hero. It could be a member of the military, police, fire, or other first responders who put their lives on the line for us every day. It could be a teacher, coach, mentor, community leader, parent, child, or anyone who has been a hero in your life. To Apply please click on this link to our event page: 2024 Flags for Heroes Event Page OR to apply online use this QR code: 
2024 Flags For Heroes
Vince McCormack
2024-10-07 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Erick Eichner on Jul 21, 2024
Mindy Circelli, Inspire Community Relations Director receives a check from Erick Eichner, Director Rotary Club of Goshen, NY to support Inspire's programs and services. _______________________________________________
Goshen Rotary Gives....
Erick Eichner
2024-07-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Kathleen Kurek on Jun 25, 2024
Goshen High School’s Interact Club joined the Rotary Club meeting this week to summarize another successful year of assisting our local community. The Goshen High School group guided by Beth Laskoski is lead by Nicasandra Chan (Pres), Rosie Li (Pres 2025) and Michael Lombardi (Tres). The civic group lead many events including community clean-ups, cookie drives, food preparation and deliveries, and the district faculty favorite - Halloween party. The Interact Club is the student arm of the Rotary Club who is always ready and willing to assist. __________________________________________________
Interact Club
Kathleen Kurek
2024-06-25 04:00:00Z |
2024 GAW 5K & 10K Race
2024-06-23 04:00:00Z |
Rolly advises " To the members below is the link to our Rotary Swag website. The website will be open for about three weeks. Clothing options include both men's and women's sizes for golf shirt styles, light weight quarter zip fleeces and hats. In addition, The clothing may be personalized for $8. If the shipping location is not pre-filled, please address to: Rolland Peacock, 2 Yankee Maid Lane, Goshen, NY 10924. This will save individual shipping costs. Once the site closes, the orders will be processed and shipped to me about two weeks after. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Rolly" _____________________________________________________
Shirt Sale
2024-06-11 04:00:00Z |
Taste of Goshen
2024-05-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 09, 2023
Karen MacLane trying to tell Paul that he can attend a Rotary meeting even when traveling in Pokhara, Nepal! __________________________________________________
2023 Paul's Most Excellent Vacation
2023-10-09 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack
October 29 - Nov 18, 2023The Flags are coming out again!You can be a part of our community’s tribute to the heroes in our lives – past and present. This is your opportunity to honor your personal hero. It could be a member of the military, police, fire, or other first responders who put their lives on the line for us every day. It could be a teacher, coach, mentor, community leader, parent, child, or anyone who has been a hero in your life. To Apply please click on this link to our event page: OR to apply online use this QR code 
2023 Flags For Heroes
Vince McCormack
2023-09-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack on Sep 13, 2023
Late Story..........Our Interact Volunteers for the 2023 Taste of Goshen. (l-r: back row) Derek Schaaff, Javier Rodriguez, Hashir Mir, Olivia Gatto, Lauren Carroll, Ava Carroll. (l-r front row) Ana Loter, Nica Chan, Rosie Li __________________________________________
2023 Interact & Taste of Goshen
Vince McCormack
2023-09-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack on Sep 07, 2023
New Member Noel Spencer is inducted by President Neal Frishberg _____________________________________________
2023 New Member - Noel Spencer
Vince McCormack
2023-09-07 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 17, 2023
The Rotary Club of Goshen NY welcomes new members Wendy Bynum-Wade and Erick Eichner. Shown is (l. to r.) Sponsor Hannah Schindler, Wendy Bynum-Wade, Sponsor Rob McLean, Erick Eichner and President Neal Frishberg. _____________________________________
2023 New Members - Wendy Bynum-Wade and Erick Eichner
2023-08-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 03, 2023
The Rotary Club of Goshen NY welcomes new member - Robert Doss (c.) with Sponsor Ron Kliverick (l.) and President Neal Frishberg(r.) _____________________________________________
2023 New Member - Robert Doss
2023-08-03 04:00:00Z |
2023 GAW 5k/10K Rotary Race
2023-07-02 04:00:00Z |
Rotary Board of Directors awarded $250 to Goshen's Cornerstone Theater Arts for their continuing commitment to the arts in Goshen. (Director Vince McCormack is seen presenting the check to CTA Treasurer Drew Smith.) ____________________________________________________
Rotary awards Cornerstone Theater Arts $250
2023-01-24 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Ken Obremski on Jan 19, 2023
.jpg) Today’s meeting of The Rotary Club of Goshen, NY was held at Delancey's Bar & Restaurant President Neal Frishberg opened the meeting today. The Invocation was led by Harry followed by The Pledge of Allegiance and Five Way Test Guests & Visitors Marie Durland Noel Spencer Dr. Jim Salvucci
Meeting NotesPres. Neil inducted two new members into the Club: Doris and Ken Obremski. Both were former members of this club (Doris from 1993 to 2019; President 2001) and Ken (from 1969 to 2020; and President1975 & 2019). Both are Past District Governors. Betty Ann, (wearing her other hat as a member of the Washingtonville Kiwanis,) gave a pitch re: their project selling raffle tickets to win restaurant vouchers ($100) and other prizes. If you are interested I am sure She will help you. $19 went to Jim Salvucci, our speaker MakeUps None noted Rotary Minute Sgt today was Luis..... -Marty somehow forgot his Rotary pin and paid a buck. -Neil was happy that Noel was his guest. -Noel graciously acknowledged his late arrival. -Harry hopefully hopes that the Giants will win on Saturday. -Rob is grateful that today’s rain is not snow. -Ron is happy that Doris and Ken are back. -Mark agreed with Ron. -Marty also agreed with Ron and also suggested that this rain is not great for skiers. -Paul is enjoying being a member. -Rolly donated 1$ to celebrate his birthday – also sad that Ron did not mention that it was his birthday. -Ron did pay up for his birthday. -Betty Ann must have been so happy for Ron’s 65 birthday she anted up $5. She was also happy for today’s high attendance.
 Hannah introduced our speaker – Dr. Jim Salvucci. Jim is the founder and President of Guidance for Greatness. Following a long career in higher education as an English Professor. In 2020 he founded his business to “help good people become great”. One of his goals is to answer the question of what makes a good boss. He talked about the four C’s to be a great leader: - Character- integrity counts
- Communications – taking things in and out
- Compromise – flexibility
- Collaboration –working together to achieve objectives
- .

Thank you Jim for a worthwhile and interesting presentation. The many comments and questions asked attest to the interest of the members. MEETING ADJOURNED @ 1:30 P.M.
2023 01 19
Ken Obremski
2023-01-19 05:00:00Z |
Flags for Heroes
Vince McCormack
2022-10-24 04:00:00Z |
October 30 - Nov 19, 2022The Flags are coming out again!You can be a part of our community’s tribute to the heroes in our lives – past and present. This is your opportunity to honor your personal hero. It could be a member of the military, police, fire, or other first responders who put their lives on the line for us every day. It could be a teacher, coach, mentor, community leader, parent, child, or anyone who has been a hero in your life.   

For an application please follow this link: ________________________________________________________
Flags For Heroes 2022
Vince McCormack
2022-10-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 21, 2022
Susan Ndiaye, TICKS! Susan gave us a very informative presentation about these lurking little arachnids that are part of the mite superorder Parasitiformes. Scary right? But these little guys are present in all our outdoor areas. We all need to be aware of the damage these little things can cause. She explained how to identify the different types, then how to protect yourself and if necessary, the proper way to remove these little pests! For more info go to Thanks again Susan and Mary Presutti. _______________________________________________________________
Susan Ndiaye, Ticks! Oh My!!
2022-07-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 15, 2022
Rotary Gives to GoshenPast President Mark Gargiulo presents John Strobl of The Goshen Food Pantry a check for $1000. __________________________________________________________
Rotary Gives to Goshen
2022-07-15 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 13, 2022
Rotary Gives to GoshenPast President Rob McLean presents The Goshen Humane Society with a check for $400. ________________________________________________________________________
Rotary Gives to Goshen
2022-07-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 12, 2022
Rotary Gives to GoshenPast-President Mark Gargiulo presents CEO of Catholic Charites of Orange & Ulster Counties, Shannon Kelly a check for $1000. __________________________________________________________
Rotary Gives to Goshen
2022-07-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Mark Gargiulo on Jul 12, 2022
Rotary Gives to GoshenPast President Mark Gargiulo presents a check for $500. to The Goshen Garden Club President Donna Drybred to continue their mission of beautifying Goshen! ________________________________________________
Rotary Gives to Goshen
Mark Gargiulo
2022-07-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 12, 2022
Imagine Rotary!
2022-07-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack
New logo for 2022-23The 2022-23 presidential theme logo was designed by renowned Australia-based Indigenous artist Riki Salam to represent RI President Jennifer Jones’ theme and initiatives. The logo represents key elements of Rotary while honoring the Indigenous culture: • The circle signifies connections to one another. • The dots around the circle represent people, one for each of our areas of focus. • The circle and the dots together become a navigation star, which signifies Rotary’s guiding light. • The solid line underneath signifies a digging stick used for hard work — a tool that Rotary’s people of action use to get things done. ___________________________________________________________
New Logo
Vince McCormack
2022-07-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack on Jul 03, 2022
2022 GAW Rotary Road RaceThank you to all who participated. For results please follow this link to the Timing Co.... Mr. Harry Grout ____________________________________
2022 GAW Rotary Road Race
Vince McCormack
2022-07-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Neal Frishberg on Jun 21, 2022
Rachel Sao, Madison Schaaff with President-elect Neal Frishberg. |
| | Daniel Rudolph (Sonny Fox Award) President-elect Neal Frishberg and Jason Orzell (Dr. Don Hoffman Award) ed. not pictured - Emily Dong and Aryanna McCarthy ______________________________________________________ |
| |
2022 Scholarship Winners
Neal Frishberg
2022-06-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Rolland Peacock on Jun 12, 2022
New Eagle Scout Kevin PalacinoRolly Peacock III (Club Treasurer & Scout Coordinator) congratulates new Eagle Scout Kevin Palacino, Troop 62. Rotary Club of Goshen, NY is the Charter Organization. ____________________________________________________________
New Eagle Scout
Rolland Peacock
2022-06-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 03, 2022
2022 Dictionary ProjectDue to the coronavirus precautions, we had to drop off our Annual Gift of Dictionaries for our Third Graders. The dictionaries were distributed by the Faculty at The Goshen Intermediate School. Thank you to the 3rd Grade teachers.... _______________________________________________________________
2022 Dictionary Project
Vince McCormack
2022-06-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 02, 2022
Jim O'DonnellOrange County Legislator -Great conversation & updates on the business of our county! __________________________________________________
James O'Donnell, Speaker
Vince McCormack
2022-06-02 04:00:00Z |
Pricing – Online Registration Only! - Feb 1 - Feb 28: 5K - $20 10K - $25 (early registration)
- March 1 - April 30: 5K - $25 10K - $30
- May 1 - May 31: 5K - $30 10K - $35
- June 1 - July 1: 5K - $35 10K - $40 (last day online reg)
RACE START: 8:00 AM Race Time, July 2nd, 2022 Orange County Government Center - 255 Main Street Goshen NY BIB PICK-UP: Friday July 1st , 5:00 to 7:00 PM Cataract Fire House, Green Street Saturday July 2nd 6.30 to 8.00 AM Orange County Government Center, 255 Main Street Register by June 15th, 2022 to guarantee race shirt. RACE DAY PARKING: Orange County Government Center parking lot – enter from Scotchtown Ave. COURSES: Both races start at the same time and place at the Government Center, 255 Main Street. 5K: Left on Erie Street, left on Main Street, right on Orange Ave, right on Parkway, left at Old Chester Road, back on Old Chester Road, right on Park Place and finishes in front of the Surrogate Courthouse. 10K: Left on Erie Street, left on Main Street, right on Orange Ave, right on Parkway, Left on Arthur Place, left at McBride Place, left at Orange Ave, right on Main Street, right at Craigville Rd, right at Knoell Rd., right on Old Chester Rd., back onto South Church St., and finishes in front of the Surrogate Courthouse on Park Place. Both the 5k and 10k are certified courses. Measurements were completed by Brian Cavanagh. 10K Certification ID - NY18047JG 5K Certification ID - NY18948JG AWARDS: Awards will be presented at the Surrogate Courthouse on Park Place to the top 3 overall males and females in the 5k and 10k events. Additional awards will be presented three deep in the age divisions. Divisions: 10 and under; 11-15; 16-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70+ Harry & Shirley Grout --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022 Great American Weekend 5/10K Goshen Rotary RunRace
2022-04-22 04:00:00Z |
Taste of Goshen
2022-04-22 04:00:00Z |
October 30 - Nov 20, 2021The Flags are coming out again!You can be a part of our community’s tribute to the heroes in our lives – past and present. This is your opportunity to honor your personal hero. It could be a member of the military, police, fire, or other first responders who put their lives on the line for us every day. It could be a teacher, coach, mentor, community leader, parent, child, or anyone who has been a hero in your life.   

For an application please follow this link: Flags For Heroes Application
Flags For Heroes 2021
Vince McCormack
2021-09-27 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Nicole Fichthorn on Aug 01, 2021
Goshen Rotary 5K/10K Heroes Run on Sept. 11, 2021 Join the Goshen Rotary 5K/10K Heroes Run on Saturday Sept. 11, 2021. USATF certified courses and T-shirts to the first 500 registered runners Register early and save! Through July 31st registration fee for the 5K is $20, for the 10K is $25. This run is identical to our longtime Great American Weekend Run with start at Government Center and finish on Park Place. All race proceeds help us to help others! This race is hosted by the Goshen Rotary Club - a member of Rotary International. Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad. Visit and Sponsorships are welcomed! Current Sponsors are: United Hospice, Garnet Health, Wallkill Valley Federal and Tool Factory Outlet. Thank you for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Heroes Run
Nicole Fichthorn
2021-08-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 01, 2021
Rob McLean
2021-07-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack
RI President-elect Shekhar Mehta is urging members to become more involved in service projects, saying that caring for and serving other is the best way to live because it changes not only other people’s lives, but also our own. ______________________________________________
New Logo for 2021-2
Vince McCormack
2021-07-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Allen Zick on May 05, 2021
For 12 years, The Rotary Club of Goshen, NY has gifted and presented annually, dictionaries - English & Spanish - to all Third Graders at Goshen Intermediate School and St. John School. Goshen Rotarian Dictionary Project Chair, Allen Zick reported that the distribution of the dictionaries is normally done in person in January or February by several Rotarians. However, due to COVID-19 related restrictions, the dictionaries were delivered to the schools in May and distributed by the teachers. The photos that accompany this story where taken by Jennifer Capozzi and Jennifer Hopkins and show students in their class at the Intermediate School. The teachers also wrote a note of Thanks to Goshen Rotary..... "Dear Goshen Rotary Club, Our class was so excited to receive their dictionaries today. Many of them said that they didn't have one at home, and they quickly opened it up and looked through it. They couldn't believe that they could keep it! We talked about it's many uses and they loved the maps and fact sheets in the back. Thank you for thinking of us each year, and for giving our Third Graders this valuable tool. Sincerely, Mrs. Capozzi's and Ms. Hopkins' class" ____________________________________________________________________________
2021 (12th) Dictionary Project
Allen Zick
2021-05-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack on Mar 31, 2021
We are going to try an "in person" meeting at The Otterkill Golf & Country Club on April 15, 2021. We need you to reply/contact Secretary Ron and let him know if you are interested/attending. (We need a belly count to order the lunches). __________________________________________________________
Goodbye COVID
Vince McCormack
2021-03-31 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 11, 2020
2020 Coat Drive UnderwayPlease drop off any size, male or female, any style coat or jacket at 252 Main St, Goshen, NY 10924. And say Hi! to our Amy...... ____________________________________________
2020 Coat Drive
2020-11-11 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Mark Gargiulo on Nov 07, 2020
Old Stone Schoolhouse Cleanup ProjectFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia............ District School No. 9, sometimes referred to as the Old Stone Schoolhouse, is located on NY 17A 1.4 mile (2.3 km) south of Goshen, New York. One of the first schools in the county, it remained in use for well over a century, possibly two. [2] It is believed to be both the oldest and longest-used one-room schoolhouse in the United States.
Old Stone Schoolhouse Cleanup
Mark Gargiulo
2020-11-07 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack on Nov 01, 2020
Flags For Heroes
Vince McCormack
2020-11-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 14, 2020
Marie Dwyer’s hero is the late husband of her niece Larry Gabler. “He was kind, generous, smart and just a wonderful man,” Dwyer said. Thanks to the Goshen Rotary, a flag will be erected in Gabler’s honor at the Charles J. Everett Memorial Park at Main Street and South Church Street in Goshen. Rotary Secretary Ron Klieverik estimates there will be among 150 to 200 Flags for Heroes displayed there from Sunday, Nov. 1, through Sunday, Nov. 22, following an 11 a.m. Nov. 1 presentation. This year’s Flags for Heroes, Goshen Rotary’s first try at this popular event, coincides with Veterans Day, Nov. 11. In addition to heroes who have served in the military, it will honor police, fire and other first responders, doctors and nurses who have been on the frontline against COVID-19. No limits on heroism.....
Flags For Heroes (2020)
2020-10-14 04:00:00Z |
We are back! We meet outdoors (weather permitting) at The Otterkill Golf & Country Club. All Covid prevention steps are observed by members & staff. Includes six persons at a ten person table; face masks when standing etc.. We have a lot of business to discuss and your presence is requested Thursday 10/15 at The Otterkill Golf & Country Club....lunch is catered by Erin You can be a part of our community’s tribute to the heroes in our lives – past and present. This is your opportunity to honor your personal hero. It could be a member of the military, police, fire, or other first responders who put their lives on the line for us every day. It could be a teacher, coach, mentor, community leader, parent, child, or anyone who has been a hero in your life. - Honor your personal hero by sponsoring a 3-ft by 5-ft Flag for $50.
- The Flags will be displayed at the site of the Charles J Everett Memorial Park, located at the intersection of Main Street and South Church Street in the heart of Goshen Village, from Sunday, Nov. 1st through Sunday, Nov. 22nd, 2020.
- The presentation of Heroes will be on Sunday, Nov. 1st at 11:00.
News 10/13/20
2020-10-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 10, 2020
Rolly Peacock (our Scout Coordinator) is with Yuval Fogelman, Troop 62 during his promotion ceremony to Eagle Scout. Held at Camp Helt at Campbell Hall on 10/10/20.
New Eagle Scout
2020-10-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 17, 2020
Visit from Tony Marmo (New District Gov.)
Visit from Tony Marmo (New District Gov.)
2020-09-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 17, 2020
Obituary of Dean Purdy Dean D. Purdy, 54, of Washingtonville, NY, passed away on September 14th, 2020. Dean was born in Newburgh, NY, on November 9, 1965 to the late Ronald F and Beatrice (Schmidt) Purdy, Sr. Dean served his country and is a US Army veteran. He was an active member of the Rotary Club, Goshen New York. Dean loved education and earned his MBA in business from Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, New York. He enjoyed his career as a financial advisor for both New York Life and The Purdy Group. Dean was also an avid skier, camper, and had a passion for the outdoors. He loved to play soccer and was a coach for the Washingtonville Soccer Club when the children were young. Dean was a loving husband, a wonderful father, and a friend to everyone he came in contact with. His outgoing personality was one of a kind.
Obituary of Dean Purdy
2020-09-17 04:00:00Z |
Keeping Busy thru COVID!
2020-09-15 04:00:00Z |
Richard (Dick) Durland
Obituary of Richard Clinton DurlandOctober 21, 1943 - June 29, 2020 Campbell Hall, NY Richard Clinton Durland of Campbell Hall passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loved ones on June 29, 2020. He was 76 years old. He was born in Troy, NY to Harold and Rhyle Phillips Durland on October 21, 1943. He was married to the love of his life Maria M. Pennings of Goshen on May 31, 1975. They shared 45 wonderful years together. He was a 1961 graduate of Middletown High School and a 1965 graduate of Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ. Dick served in the U.S. Army from May 1968 to May 1970. He was stationed in Okinawa during the Vietnam war. In October 2019 he had the privilege of being part of the Honor Flight to Washington DC along with his brother, Phil and his two sons, Kevin and Eric and his nephew, Kyle. After serving in the army he started working at the Goshen Savings Bank and worked there for 29 years, retiring as Vice President. After his retirement he worked for Provident Bank and the Bank Of America. He also loved his job as courier for the Horizon Medical Group. Being a real "people person" he made it his mission to remember the names of all the girls who worked in the many Horizon offices.
Richard (Dick) Durland
2020-09-15 04:00:00Z |
We're Back!
We're Back!We held an in person Club Meeting on 9/3/20 at The Otterkill Golf & Country Club. There were 19 Members and 2 guests present
We're Back!
2020-09-03 04:00:00Z |
Edward (Ted) Berry
Posted on Mar 05, 2020
Obituary of Edward L. Berry Edward Lloyd Berry, who resided in Goshen, NY for 57 years, entered into eternal peace on Feb 24, 2020. He was born in Montclair, NJ to Edward L and Isabell Berry on Jan. 16, 1939. He was married to his high school sweetheart, Mary Lee, for 53 years until her death in 2014. Together they lovingly raised three children and doted on their twelve grandchildren. He was a very active member of the Goshen community. He spent his entire career in the insurance industry and was business owner of Wallace & Berry Insurance Agency in Goshen and Monroe. He was committed to serving the community he loved in a volunteer capacity by being a member of Rotary (44 years), Mason's, Jaycees and the First Presbyterian church.
Edward (Ted) Berry
2020-03-05 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 04, 2020
RYLA is a five-day conference for sophomores in high school throughout the Hudson Valley, which teaches the importance of positivity, confidence and leadership. Through unique icebreakers, fun-filled events, and interactive presentations from special guests, students walk away with countless memories and valuable knowledge - many RYLA alum have credited the conference with their success in college and in their careers. RYLA continues to inspire students to shape their communities year after year. RYLA 2020Qualified candidates are high school students finishing their sophomore year who demonstrate the potential to benefit from a program designed to nurture and instill confidence in their leadership skills and abilities. Your club may sponsor a maximum of FIVE students, at a cost of $400 per student.
2020-03-04 05:00:00Z |
Jane's Purse
Posted on Feb 28, 2020
Jane's Purse Donations JANE MARIE UNHJEM (July 31, 1952 - August 19, 2012) Goshen, NY...... Jane Marie Unhjem died August 19, 2012 in Stony Brook, NY, from injuries sustained in the crash of a small airplane. Jane was a resident of Goshen for more than 33 years. She started her teaching career at Scotchtown Avenue School in Goshen as a remedial reading teacher before becoming a classroom teacher in 1980. When she became the Reading Specialist in the school a year later, she started the popular "Parents as Reading Partners" program, which continues even today. As she returned to teaching after maternity leaves for the adoption of her daughter, Gayle, from Korea in 1985, and the birth of her son, Matthew, in 1987, Jane worked as a special education teacher and administrator for the Pine Bush School District. She then became Director of Staff Development for Monroe-Woodbury School District in 1998. She returned to Goshen Central School District as Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Development in 2004. Jane was a vibrant educator and leader with an infectious energy that affected everyone around her. In leading the instructional programs for Goshen, she was a passionate advocate for the music and arts programs, and took an active interest in all of the school's activities. She often referred to herself as the "assistant superintendent in charge of ushers and usherettes" at the district's various performances. She is remembered for her enthusiasm for her work, and radiant smile.
Jane's Purse
Vince McCormack
2020-02-28 05:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotarians read to Scotchtown Students during Kindness Assembly
Posted by Scotchtown Elementary School on Feb 21, 2020
Goshen Rotarians Read to Scotchtown Students during Kindness Assembly The monthly Kindness and Friendship Assemblies at Scotchtown Avenue Elementary hosted two very special guests on Friday, Feb. 21, the 100th Day of School. Goshen Rotary representatives Amy VanAmburgh and Christopher Tippin offered their support to the school’s emphasis on kindness by reading Mem Fox’s “Whoever you are” to every Scotchtown student. Illustrated by Leslie Staub, “Whoever you are” explores the differences between children that make them unique, as well as the common humanity that unites them. “Their lives may be different from yours, and their words may be very different from yours. But inside, their hearts are just like yours,” the book concludes. |
| (L-R) Rotarian Amy VanAmburgh, Interim Assistant Principal Nancy Mesic, Principal Henry Freedman and Rotarian Christopher Tippin. |
Principal Henry Freedman took the opportunity to thank and praise students for their participation on recent kindness-themed activities throughout the school. He encouraged them to always care for their school and each other, and make the world a better place.
Goshen Rotarians read to Scotchtown Students during Kindness Assembly
Scotchtown Elementary School
2020-02-21 05:00:00Z |
Annual Gift of Words to Our 3rd Graders by The Rotary Club of Goshen NY
Posted by Vince McCormack on Feb 18, 2020
Annual Gift of Words to Our 3rd Graders by Goshen RotaryFebruary 18, 2020....All the Third grade students at The Goshen Intermediate School received their very own Webster's Dictionary for Students, donated by the members of the The Rotary Club of Goshen, NY. Allen Zick presented the students with information about how to use the dictionary to find out the definitions, spelling and pronunciation of words in the English language. The dictionaries will help students with vocabulary development, spelling, and increasing their word knowledge. Students also learned a bit of history about Noah Webster, who was a teacher in Goshen in the 1800s who created the Webster's Dictionary as a resource for his students. The books were distributed by Rotarians Mark Gargiulo, Cliff Kelsey, Buzz Zingaro and Vince McCormack
Annual Gift of Words to Our 3rd Graders by The Rotary Club of Goshen NY
Vince McCormack
2020-02-18 05:00:00Z |
Urbanski Park Sign
Posted on Jan 07, 2020
Urbanski Park Playground SignDuring the last Family Fun Day, it was noted that the signs posted at the Urbanski Park Playground were in pretty bad shape. The Board voted to fix the existing signage. After many delays, the sign was finally erected by Rotarians Pat Foley, Mark Gargiulo and "supervising" Rolly Peacock! So once again! There are workers and there is a "Supervisor"
Urbanski Park Sign
Vince McCormack
2020-01-07 05:00:00Z |
New Scouts in Town
Posted by Wendy Bynum-Wade
There's a new Scout in town!Goshen has taken to heart the decision at the national level of the male-only Boy Scouts of America to include girls from 11 to 17 years old. So far, five girls have joined Troop 62, a long-established Boy Scout troop, currently chartered by Goshen Rotary. Why would girls want to join a troop of Boy Scouts?
New Scouts in Town
Wendy Bynum-Wade
2019-10-09 04:00:00Z |
Thank You for 2019 Family Fun Day
Thank You to all our Sponsorsfor their support of 2019 Family Fun Day Susanne DermignyHarry & Shirley GroutThe Deprospo Family Dominick Igneri Councilman Kenneth Newbold Ray & Maureen Quattrini 
Thank You for 2019 Family Fun Day
2019-08-11 04:00:00Z |
2019 Family Fun Day
Join us for this FREE Community EventThe Rotary Club of Goshen NY2019 Family Fun Day Saturday August 10th 12:00-4:00 (Rain date Sunday August 11th ) Urbanski Park on Craigville RdWater Slide – bring your Swim suits & towels!90 Ft. Obstacle Course, Bounce Houses, Climbing WallMad Science DemonstrationStudio Ayo Intro to ZumbaGoshen Library Fire Trucks, NYS Police HorsesCarnival Games, Crafts, Face Painting & More…. *Food will be available for a charge DIAL-A-BUS AVAILABLE FOR GOSHEN RESIDENTS: CALL 294-8920 TO RESERVE A PICKUP TO/FROM PARK COURTESY OF GOSHEN ROTARY The Deprospo Family Harry & Shirley Grout The Igneri Family Councilman Ken Newbold Ray & Maureen Quattrini
2019 Family Fun Day
2019-08-03 04:00:00Z |
Rotary & ShelterBox
Posted on Jul 27, 2019
Rotary and ShelterBox celebrate the power of partnershipEvanston Ill., Rotary International announced on 3 June a three-year partnership renewal with its disaster relief project partner, ShelterBox. For almost 20 years, this unique humanitarian alliance has supported families with a place to call home after disaster. Rotary is a global network whose members take action to make a lasting difference in their communities – and worldwide. ShelterBox provides emergency shelters and other essential items to support families who have lost their homes in disaster.
Rotary & ShelterBox
2019-07-27 04:00:00Z |
Pat & Buzz Wandering again!
Posted by Vince McCormack on Jul 18, 2019
Summer Trips....Latest Sighting! This time, they are in Hope, British Columbia Pat & Buzz Wandering Again! They are in Banff Rotary Park, Alberta, Canada And Rob went to Calif! Not to be outdone, Rob stopped off at a meeting in San Jose, CA
Pat & Buzz Wandering again!
Vince McCormack
2019-07-18 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary Donates $250 to First Presbyterian Church
Posted on Jul 17, 2019
Goshen Rotary Donates $250 to First Presbyterian Church.The Reverend David C. Kingsley recently accepted a $250 donation from The Rotary Club of Goshen NY.
Goshen Rotary Donates $250 to First Presbyterian Church
Vince McCormack
2019-07-17 04:00:00Z |
Bono's Message to Rotary
Bono's Message to Rotary
Vince McCormack
2019-07-14 04:00:00Z |
2020 Installation Dinner
Posted by Amy Van Amburgh on Jul 12, 2019
2020 Installation DinnerThis weekend we announced our new President, Mark Gargiulo, and our Board of Directors for the 2019-2020 year at our Installation Dinner! We are excited to see what this year brings! A fabulous time was had by all! Thank you to the Eagles Nest for your hospitality once again! #goshennyrotary #installationdinner
2020 Installation Dinner
Amy Van Amburgh
2019-07-12 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary donates $500 to Goshen Food Pantry
Posted by Vince McCormack on Jul 11, 2019
Goshen Rotary donated $500 to The Goshen Food PantryJohn Strobl, Goshen Food Pantry, received a $500 check from Goshen Rotary. The Interfaith Food Pantry helps those in the Goshen School District that could use a helping hand by distributing food to those in need.
Goshen Rotary donates $500 to Goshen Food Pantry
Vince McCormack
2019-07-11 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary donates $250 to GOVAC
Posted by Rolland Peacock on Jul 06, 2019
Goshen Rotary Donates $250 to GOVAC Treasurer Rolly Peacock hands GOVAC's President, George Lyons a check for $250 as Sara Lyons looks on. (GOshen Volunteer Ambulance Corp) The contribution is to help further the great work GOVAC does for the Goshen Community!
Goshen Rotary donates $250 to GOVAC
Rolland Peacock
2019-07-06 04:00:00Z |
GAW Here! Join us...
Posted by Amy Van Amburgh on Jul 03, 2019
The Great American weekend is fast approaching and we are excited to be a part of this fabulous event! Our Rotary Club will be there selling Klondike Bars to cool you down! Proceeds will benefit our community projects and scholarship funds!! Come show your support and we look forward to seeing you!
GAW Here! Join us...
Amy Van Amburgh
2019-07-03 04:00:00Z |
Cindie Kish, District Governor 7210 (2019-20)
Posted on Jul 01, 2019
It's July 1st and a new Rotary Year is starting! Please take a moment are read Cindie's welcome message. Welcome to the 2019-2020 Rotary Year. I am honored to be your District Governor and look forward to working with everyone. As we begin this journey together, first let’s thank outgoing DG Chrissy for her time and dedication to our District. We hope she has enjoyed her year as District Governor and will continue to “Be The Inspiration “. The 2019-2020 Rotary International Theme is “Rotary Connects The World”. Truly an appropriate theme for an organization, that through it’s global network, provides so much good to the world. Let’s all continue to seek out opportunities, not only to connect with Rotary Clubs outside of our District but to connect with clubs within our District as well. This Rotary year will bring with it some exciting changes. Change can sometimes be challenging as we are moving away from what has been familiar to us. However, change is needed for our organization to move forward and thrive in today’s world. One of the most obvious changes will be to our District website. We will be focusing on the great work that is accomplished by our District’s Clubs. Each month we will highlight a few clubs that have excelled through service projects, membership drives or areas of focus. Our district is filled with amazing Rotarians who do extraordinary work. Let’s learn and grow from these best practices. District Communication Chair, Leo Kaytes, has spent the last several months looking at ways to improve our website and make it more user-friendly. Leo will be improving the layout, adding links for ease of use and updating important information. In addition to the changes with the website, we have a new Wellness and Recovery Initiative, adding District Service Days and District Conference is moving to the fall. More information on these changes and others will follow over the next few months. In addition to resources and tools to be provided for your clubs benefit. As we navigate this year together through our wonderful organization, please be mindful of a few things. First, we are all “People of Action” with a common goal of “Service Above Self”, here to support one another, provide encouragement and create positive change. Second, working together we can accomplish far more collectively than working alone. There is no “I” in team. Finally, at the end of this Rotary year my hope is we all will stand proudly together, knowing our District’s Clubs are stronger than when our journey began. For in the end, that is our one primary goal. Yours In Rotary, DG Cindie Kish
Cindie Kish, District Governor 7210 (2019-20)
2019-07-01 04:00:00Z |
Book Cases to Braeside
Posted by Vince McCormack on Jun 30, 2019
Our Master Carpenter, Goshen Rotarian, Rolly Peacock builds again!Braeside Camp Director, Maria Arinibar told us that the Camp wanted to expand their summer reading program and needed some bookcases. Always ready to help, Rolly volunteered to build them. As seen in the pictures, the color scheme reflects Braeside Camp's Bee Theme (BEE Responsible, Respectful, Kind). Work in progress... | Finished bookcase... | Delivered | Delivered with help from our friends... |
Book Cases to Braeside
Vince McCormack
2019-06-30 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary Building Raised Garden at Braeside Camp
Posted by Vince McCormack on Jun 23, 2019
Goshen Rotary builds a Raised Bed Garden for Braeside Camp...Several members of the Rotary Club of Goshen, NY gathered Sunday, 6/23/19 to assemble Raised Garden Kits for the Breaside Campers. After several comments regarding "the importance of measuring twice" and "real men don't read instructions", the team was able to assemble the kits. THE CREW! (standing l-r) Vince McCormack, Chris Tippin, Ken Obremski and Rolly Peacock. (Kneeling l-r) Mark Gargiulo, Ron Klieverik and Pat Foley. | "What do you mean the instructions are upside down? | You need to move it over to the ..the other left!! | Yes...the photo is a bit out of focus, but it's from the heat waves!! |
Goshen Rotary Building Raised Garden at Braeside Camp
Vince McCormack
2019-06-23 04:00:00Z |
Interact lunches with our Rotary
Posted by Vince McCormack
Interacters Lunch with Rotary...Beth Laskowski (Interact Moderator), Jen Zhao (Pres. 2018-19), Emma Blanton (Vice. Pres. 2018-19 & Pres 2019-20), Skylar Miller (Sec. 2018-19) and Caroline Burnham (Treas. 2018-19 & 2019-20) joined us for lunch last Thursday. After lunch we received their activity report for this past year..and it certainly was a busy one. Pennies for Polio Campaign - raised $130 (Matched by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation by $2 for $1) totalled $390. Annual Halloween Party - Children of Goshen School District Teachers and Staff. Food Drive - for The Goshen Food Pantry & with Youth Ending Hunger Club. Over 2000 items collected. Holiday Cards for Veterans' at Castle Point Sandwich Making for the Homeless - with The Midnight Run Group who help feed homeless folks in NYC. Annual Rotary & Glen Arden Holiday Party - Volunteered & ran Craft Stations for the gathering. Cookies for a Cause - Managed to raise $400 for GHS Custodian Mike Salley, recovering from a severe stroke. Pizza Challenge Food Drive - over 3000 food items donated to Goshen Food Pantry Youth Ending Hunger Club. Sandwich Making for the Homeless - Once again made over 150 sandwiches for The Midnight Run Group. 9th Annual Senior Citizen Prom - Entertained the Seniors with dancing, appetizers and desserts. AND helped make our Taste of Goshen Fundrasier, another success!
Interact lunches with our Rotary
Vince McCormack
2019-06-20 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary gives $3000 to Goshen Rotary Scholarship Fund
Posted by Vince McCormack
Goshen Rotary gives $3000. to The Goshen Rotary Scholarship Foundation.Tom Guarino accepts a $3000. check from Ken for the Goshen Rotary Scholarship Foundation. Since the Goshen Rotary Scholarship Foundation first awarded a scholarship, more than 120 Goshen students have received awards totaling over $350,000.
Goshen Rotary gives $3000 to Goshen Rotary Scholarship Fund
Vince McCormack
2019-06-20 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary gives $4000. to The Rotary Foundation
Posted by Vince McCormack
Goshen Rotary gives $4000. to The Rotary Foundation Pres. Ken gives Ed Garling, Chairman of the Rotary Foundation, a check for $4000. The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs.
Goshen Rotary gives $4000. to The Rotary Foundation
Vince McCormack
2019-06-20 04:00:00Z |
Presentation of $250 to our Scout Troop 62
Posted by Rolland Peacock on Jun 20, 2019
Presentation of $250. to our Scout Troop 62.(l - r): Kevin Palacino, Scoutmaster; Rolly Peacock, Goshen Rotary; Yuval Fogelman, Senior Patrol Leader; Charlie Krieger, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader; and Donna Helt, Troop Committee Chairwoman.
Presentation of $250 to our Scout Troop 62
Rolland Peacock
2019-06-20 04:00:00Z |
Induction of New Member - Chris Tippin
Posted by Vince McCormack
New member Chris Tippin inducted...6/13/19
Induction of New Member - Chris Tippin
Vince McCormack
2019-06-13 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Public Library & Historical Society
Posted by PDG Doris Obremski on May 17, 2019
Goshen Public Library & Historical SocietyPres. Ken is pictured at last Fridays (5/17/19) Goshen Public Library Donor's Event pointing to Goshen Rotary's name on their Donor Board.
Goshen Public Library & Historical Society
PDG Doris Obremski
2019-05-17 04:00:00Z |
Spring Spruce Up @ Braeside Camp
Posted by Vince McCormack on May 11, 2019
Braeside Camp CleanUpWe met once again at Braeside Camp to help out with their pre-camp cleanup. Leaf raking, weed pulling, rolling up the pool cover, area policing etc. Led by our fearless Chairlady, Doris we were coaxed into our endevours by the old standby Dunkin Donuts! Meeting with Our Club Members - Sonia Gonzalez, Harry Grout, Ron Klieverik, Vince McCormack, Pres Ken Obremski and Buzz Zingaro was the Breaside staff - Maria & Kelsey, some new friends from Walkill East - Tom Lawlor, from Walkill - Jamie Pucci, and from Newburgh - Pres. Deborah Sager. EdNote: picture by's a phone not a camera!
Spring Spruce Up @ Braeside Camp
Vince McCormack
2019-05-11 04:00:00Z |
Annual Road Clean Up
Posted by Vince McCormack on May 04, 2019
Annual Road Clean Up Despite the weather, the Goshen Rotary Clean Up Crew met this morning. After a rousing pep talk from Chair Rolly Peacock (coffee & doughnuts enticements) we tackled Craigville Road! Crew members Diane Blanton, Vince McCormack & Buzz Zingaro managed to clean up the roadside utilizing pickers and bags supplied by Goshen Town DPW. It was a challenge but we managed to finish up just before noon. Just a personal note from the author......if you see someone on the road with a orange vest....give 'em a BREAK...move over & slow down!!
Annual Road Clean Up
Vince McCormack
2019-05-04 04:00:00Z |
Interact Club collected 3,000 food items for local Food Pantry
Posted by Diane Blanton on Apr 01, 2019
Interact Club collected 3,000 food items for local Food Pantry The Interact Club collected close to 3,000 food items for the Youth Ending Hunger Club and the Goshen Food Pantry during their Spring Food Drive Challenge. The members of the Goshen High School Interact Club recently collected approximately 3,000 non-perishable food during the club’s Spring Food Drive Challenge. The school-wide collection tasked students with collecting as many non-perishable foods as possible. The competition was fierce, with a first prize pizza party at stake. Several determined classes battled for the top spot, but Carmina Villegas’ fourth period social studies class was victorious and won the coveted pizza party. Second place went to Eric Harris’ fifth period English class, who received a tray of cookies for their effort. Science Teacher Patricia Gaer, a top contender from last year’s drive, finished close behind with her first period class in third place. The Interact Club members delivered the food donations to the Goshen Intermediate School Food Pantry for distribution by the Youth Ending Hunger Club.  Gabby Joseph and Jennifer Zhao get boxes ready for delivery.  Interact Club members Stephanie Dahowski, Chris Fini and Mary Quinn unpack food at the Goshen Food Pantry.
Interact Club collected 3,000 food items for local Food Pantry
Diane Blanton
2019-04-01 04:00:00Z |
Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts
Posted by Rolland Peacock on Mar 30, 2019
Cub Scout Pack 62 16 members of Cub Scout Pack 62, Webelos 2 crossed over to Boy Scout Troop 62. (Both are sponsored by The Rotary Club of Goshen, NY). The event was celebrated at their Blue & Gold Breakfast this morning held at Kuhl's Highland House. There was 190 participants & well wishers! Congratulations to all!
Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts
Rolland Peacock
2019-03-30 04:00:00Z |
What is ROTARY??
Posted by Vince McCormack
What is ROTARY??
Vince McCormack
2019-03-01 05:00:00Z |
Annual Gift of Words to Our 3rd Graders by The Rotary Club of Goshen NY
Posted by Vince McCormack on Feb 13, 2019
Annual Gift of Words to our 3rd Graders (Rotary Dictionary Project) February 13, 2019....All the Third grade students at The Goshen Intermediate School received their very own Webster's Dictionary for Students, donated by the members of the The Rotary Club of Goshen, NY. Pictured here are Suzie Peacock, Allen Zick, Mark Garguilo, Cliff Kelsey, Rolly Peacock, BettyAnn VanLeeuen, Vince McCormack and Chris Ashman. Our Goshen Rotarians were escorted by Principal Matthew Wentworth as they visited each Third Grade classroom to give students their brand new dictionaries. (Bilingual Spanish-speaking students also received a Spanish-English version.) Allen Zick presented the students with information about how to use the dictionary to find out the definitions, spelling and pronunciation of words in the English language. The dictionaries will help students with vocabulary development, spelling, and increasing their word knowledge. Students also learned a bit of history about Noah Webster, who was a teacher in Goshen in the 1800s who created the Webster's Dictionary as a resource for his students.
Annual Gift of Words to Our 3rd Graders by The Rotary Club of Goshen NY
Vince McCormack
2019-02-13 05:00:00Z |
Adam J. Krainak
Posted by Vince McCormack on Jan 21, 2019
Adam J. Krainak, longtime resident of Spring Valley, New York, passed away in Goshen, NY on Sunday, January 13, 2019 at the age of 97. He was born on July 31, 1921. Adam is survived by his three married daughters, Kathleen Brooks (Jeffrey), Eileen DeToma (Frank) and Eloise Krainak-Daher (Dave) and his two grandchildren, Athena and Adam Daher. Adam was a proud Army Veteran of WWII, serving in the South Pacific and later joined the Spring Valley, NY Police Department, for 34 yrs. where he climbed the ranks from motorcycle cop to Chief of Police. Adam was also a dedicated volunteer firefighter and Honorary Chief of the Rockland Hook & Ladder Company in SV receiving its first lifetime achievement award of 70 yrs. Adam was heavily involved with Rotary, receiving the Paul Harris Fellowship twice. He was a true gentleman, whose kindness, and generosity had touched many lives. He will be sorely missed. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 from 2-4pm & 7-9pm at Wanamaker & Carlough Funeral Home, 177 Route 59, Suffern, NY. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10:30am on Thursday, January 24th at St. Joseph’s Church in Spring Valley, NY with entombment to follow at Ascension Cemetery, Airmont, NY.
Adam J. Krainak
Vince McCormack
2019-01-21 05:00:00Z |
Goshen Library Receives $1000 for Building Fund
Posted by Vince McCormack on Jan 10, 2019
Goshen Public Library Building Fund Receives $1000.
Goshen Library Receives $1000 for Building Fund
Vince McCormack
2019-01-10 05:00:00Z |
Joe Bayno
Posted on Nov 28, 2018
Obituary of Joseph BaynoJoseph F. (Coach) Bayno of Goshen, a former professional baseball player, high school baseball and basketball coach at Valley Central High School and John S. Burke Catholic High School, passed away peacefully at Orange Regional Medical Center in the presence of his family who gathered from all parts of the country. He recently celebrated his 84th birthday with a huge party attended by family and friends. Coach Bayno retired in 1991, after 31 years as a physical education teacher at Valley Central where he was also the head coach of varsity baseball for 23 years starting in 1968. He was twice-named Coach of the Year by The Times Herald-Record and was inducted into the Valley Central sports Hall of Fame in 2011.
Joe Bayno
2018-11-28 05:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary Hosts Community - Thanksgiving Dinner
Posted by PDG Doris Obremski on Nov 24, 2018
Goshen Rotary Hosts Community Dinner...
Goshen Rotary Hosts Community - Thanksgiving Dinner
PDG Doris Obremski
2018-11-24 05:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary Gives $300. to The Child Care Council of Orange County
Posted by Mark Thabet
Goshen Rotary Gives $300. to The Child Care Council of Orange CountyThe Board recently voted to award The Child Care Council of Orange County $300.The Child Care Council of Orange County, Inc. is a private, non-profit 501c3 organization that functions to coordinate, assist, and strengthen child care. Meeting the child care needs of working parents is critical to the economy of Orange County.
Goshen Rotary Gives $300. to The Child Care Council of Orange County
Mark Thabet
2018-08-20 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary Gives to the Community
Posted by Vince McCormack
Goshen Rotary Gives to the Community | Goshen Senior Center, Program Coordinator Bonnie Mayefsky receives a $500 check from President-Elect Mark Gargiulo | | Goshen Cub Scout Pack 62 Master, Tara Connell receives a check for $250 from Rolly Peacock, Treasurer | | Goshen Boy Scout Troop 62, Treasurer Debbie Gitner receives a check for $250 from Rolly Peacock, Treasurer |
| Goshen Volunteer Ambulance Corp (GOVAC), George Lyons receives a check for $250 from Rolly Peacock, Treasurer | | The Goshen Rotary Scholarship Fund Committee awarded this year: - 4 - $1500. scholarships for 4 years
- 1 - $1000. scholarship for 4 years
- 1 - $2000. single scholarship for a total of $30,000.
| | The Goshen Rotary granted the The Goshen Rotary Scholarship Fund $3500. |
| Orange & Ulster BOCES, "Take-a-Book, Leave-a-Book Project" - $500. | | Mental Health Association of Orange County - $250. | | The Rotary Foundation - $3000. |
| First Presbyterian Church of Goshen - $250. | | SUNY Orange Foundation - $1000 | | House on The Hill - Agri-Business Child Development - $250 |
| Dominican Hall Adult Program - $250. |
| Village of Goshen Police - $150. | | Cataract Engine & Hose Fire Company - $250. | | Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center - $100. |
| Color for Kids Program - $250 | | Goshen Food Pantry - $500 | | Town of Goshen Police - $150 | That's $41,650 to our Community! | |
Goshen Rotary Gives to the Community
Vince McCormack
2018-07-14 04:00:00Z |
Darcie Miller on Opioid Problem in Orange County
Posted by Matt Gomm on May 17, 2018
Darcie Miller on Opioid Problem in Orange CountyToday’s guest was Darcie Miller, Orange County Commissioner of Social Services and Mental Health, who spoke on the rising opioid problem in Orange County and the country at large. She began her talk with some startling statistics: in 2012, when the crisis was first beginning to be recognized, fifty people in Orange County died of opioid-related overdoses. By 2017 that number had risen to ninety-nine. Ms. Miller asserts that addiction is a chronic disease, no different in its essentially physical basis than something like diabetes.
Darcie Miller on Opioid Problem in Orange County
Matt Gomm
2018-05-17 04:00:00Z |
OutReach of Hudson Valley
Posted by Vince McCormack
Outreach Program, Rotary Club of Warwick & Rotary Club of Goshen On Saturday, 5/12/18, members of The Rotary Club of Goshen, NY met with members of The Rotary Club of Warwick (and lots of students and others) at the Warwick Valley High School. After a brief training session by Ted Swartwood (Regional Manager for Outreach) we all manned the five production lines to mix, measure, seal and box 22,000 meals to fight hunger. The Outreach program delivers these meals to local and international agencies for distribution to the needy. The Outreach Program is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that organizes food packaging events around the country. With more than 330 million meals packaged to date, the organization’s mission is to provide safe water, food, medical care, and education to those in need, at home and abroad.
OutReach of Hudson Valley
Vince McCormack
2018-05-12 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary Inducts Neal Frishberg
Posted by Vince McCormack
Goshen Rotary Inducts Neal FrishbergGoshen Rotary Club President James O'Donnell (right) welcomes new Rotarian Neal Frishberg (center). Neal is an attorney in private practice in the Village of Goshen, and was sponsored by Mark Thabet (left). Neal received his Rotary lapel pin, an official certificate of induction which immortalizes the date he entered the Club and a copy of The Four Way Test, which is the guiding principles of Rotary. We currently have 42 active members and welcome any interest from individuals and business/corporations in the area. Contact the Club at or Rotary Club of Goshen NY @ P.O. Box 563, Goshen, NY 10924
Goshen Rotary Inducts Neal Frishberg
Vince McCormack
2018-03-29 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary Gives to Goshen..
Posted by Vince McCormack
Goshen Rotary Gives to Goshen..
Vince McCormack
2018-03-24 04:00:00Z |
Annual Gift of Words to our 3rd Graders by Rotary Club of Goshen NY
Posted by Allen Zick on Mar 19, 2018
Annual Gift of Words to our 3rd Graders (Rotary Dictionary Project) March 19, 2018....All the Third grade students at The Goshen Intermediate School received their very own Webster's Dictionary, donated by the members of the The Rotary Club of Goshen, NY. Goshen Rotarians Dick Durland, Rolly Peacock, Ed Garling, Mark Gargiulo, Cliff Kelsey, Allen Zick, Luis Santiago and Vince McCormack were escorted by Principal Jason Carter and Interim Elementary Coordinator Robert Siracuse as they visited each third grade classroom to give students their brand new dictionaries. Bilingual Spanish-speaking students also received a Spanish-English version.
Annual Gift of Words to our 3rd Graders by Rotary Club of Goshen NY
Allen Zick
2018-03-19 04:00:00Z |
BOCES Scholarship
Posted by Chris Ashman
Goshen Rotary Club Sponsors $500 BOCES Vocational Award The Rotary Club of Goshen is committed to active participation in Rotary International's Five Avenues of Service: International Service, Community Service, Youth Service, Vocational Service and Club Service. As part of that commitment, Goshen Rotary's President James O'Donnell has announced that the Club will sponsor a $500 Vocational Award to a graduating student in BOCES' Career and Technical Center again this year. This is a merit and need-based Award and while a recipient from the Goshen School District is preferred, the final choice will be made by BOCES staff from all CTEC graduates. President O'Donnell said "Our Board is pleased to be able to sponsor this Award again at the 2018 graduation ceremony, and we hole it will give the recipient a head-start in persuing his/her vocational career." BOCES administrators have thanked Goshen Rotary for it's steadfast support of vocational careers for Orange County students
BOCES Scholarship
Chris Ashman
2018-03-15 04:00:00Z |
Orange County Sheriff Carl DuBois
Posted by Matt Gomm on Mar 08, 2018
Orange County Sheriff Carl DuBois talks on School Safety & Opioids President O’Donnell introduced Sheriff DuBois to the club. The Sheriff opened by saying one of the topmost concerns in present-day law enforcement is the safety of students in school-settings. Sheriff DuBois noted that there are clearly no simple answers to this problem. Preparation and law enforcement visibility being two undeniable elements of risk minimization. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has been hosting informational presentations open to business leaders, school administrators, and directors of houses of worship, etc. to help raise awareness and offer suggestions on how to maximize safety in these arenas. These presentations are free and have been very popular. Sheriff DuBois touched upon the pros and cons of a variety of related topics, including the idea of arming teachers, and the use of uniformed police (armed School Resource Officers) in schools. Sheriff Dubois also discussed the opioid crisis, stating that the environment is flooded with these substances which are easily procured by those seeking them. Overdoses are rampant, so much so that reports on the use of Narcan (an opioid antidote drug) usage are no longer considered newsworthy. Thursday, March 08, 2018 @ Delancey’s Restaurant
Orange County Sheriff Carl DuBois
Matt Gomm
2018-03-08 05:00:00Z |
Rotarian Cliff Kelsey Honored for his Sixty Years of Rotary Service
Posted by PDG Doris Obremski
Rotarian Cliff Kelsey Honored for his Sixty Years of Rotary ServiceSixty years to the day of his induction - February 1, 1958. Goshen Rotarian Cliff Kelsey, Jr. was honored by his club for his continuous service by Past Rotary Governor and club President-Elect Ken Obremski, Cliff has exemplified the Rotary motto of "Service Above Self" and he continues to be a presence flipping hamburgers in his signature long-sleeved shirts during Goshen's Great American Weekend, helping prepare the annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner and in doing just about anything asked of him. Following the presentation Cliff remarked that the greatest gifts he has gotten back as a Rotarian are all the friendships he has made over the years. .
Rotarian Cliff Kelsey Honored for his Sixty Years of Rotary Service
PDG Doris Obremski
2018-02-11 05:00:00Z |
Color for Kids
Posted by Vince McCormack on Feb 08, 2018
Color for KidsHi Mrs O!! I am in Cambodia! I LOVE Cambodia!! I have been very busy sharing tons of color in villages and I have been working with a program called Sustainable Cambodia (a Rotary funded program) to take color to their schools. I was able to help with art classes yesterday too. I will tell you more when I get home but I wanted to send you and your club this picture and say thank you for helping me share color with kids across the world. (Feb. 7, 2018) Bethany
Color for Kids
Vince McCormack
2018-02-08 05:00:00Z |
ShelterBox Update!
Posted by Ronald Klieverik on Feb 01, 2018
ShelterBox Update!
Ronald Klieverik
2018-02-01 05:00:00Z |
Two New Members!
Posted by Chris Ashman
Two New Members!
Chris Ashman
2018-01-18 05:00:00Z |
Interact's Santa Gathering
Posted by Chris Ashman on Dec 16, 2017
Interact's Santa GatheringThe Rotary Club of Goshen NY, held its annual Kids Party at Glen Arden on Saturday, December 16 from 10 AM - 1 PM. Again this year the Goshen High School Interact Club joined us en masse, and staffed a variety of activity tables for the kids. Brandon Nielson was our Santa again this year, and as always did a great job. Kudos and many thanks to Rotarian Diane Blanton for coordinating this particular community service project, and for her leadership in assuring that all went well.
Interact's Santa Gathering
Chris Ashman
2017-12-16 05:00:00Z |
Adopt a Family Program
Posted by Vince McCormack on Dec 16, 2017
Adopt-a-FamilySanta's helpers were very busy yesterday dropping off loads of presents for the family that we adopted through Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange County (CCCSOC). Coats, clothing, boots, toys, pots & pans, a crock pot and a HUGE laundry basket filled with toiletries.... Several, generous gift cards as well. The list was long but fulfilled. A BIG Merry Christmas to all who participated. Goshen – Thanks to the generosity of donors, Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange County (CCCSOC) helps make the Christmas season a little brighter each year for the children and families it serves through the annual ‘Adopt-a-Family’ gift program. .jpg) .jpg) .jpg)
Adopt a Family Program
Vince McCormack
2017-12-16 05:00:00Z |
Jane's Purse
Posted by Vince McCormack on Dec 14, 2017
Jane's PurseRotary President Jim O'Donnell presents a $200. check for The Jane's Purse Fund to Assistant Principal Heather Carman, Lynette DeJesus and Jennifer Blake of C.J. Hooker Middle School. Named after Jane Unhjem, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, who passed away on August 19, 2012 from injuries sustained from a plane crash in Long Island.
Jane's Purse
Vince McCormack
2017-12-14 05:00:00Z |
Ride For Rotary
Ride For Rotary
2017-11-23 05:00:00Z |
Water Table #2 @ Hambletonian Marathon
Posted by Vince McCormack on Oct 15, 2017
Hambletonian Marathon - Water Table #2!!!Ken Obremski, Chris Ashman, Mark Guinup and Rolly Peacock ---- Working on other parts of the course Ron Klieverik, Mark Gargiulo, Pat Strong and soon-to-be-a member Doug Haines!! Great feedback from the gracious runners!!
Water Table #2 @ Hambletonian Marathon
Vince McCormack
2017-10-15 04:00:00Z |
Interact Harvest
Posted by Diane Blanton on Sep 24, 2017
Interact Harvest - Goshen Food PantryThe Goshen High School Interact Club hard at work harvesting potatoes for the food pantry. Thanks to the John Lupinski Farms, (Diane & John) and Club Moderator, Mrs Laskoski.
Interact Harvest
Diane Blanton
2017-09-24 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Vince McCormack
Dear Rotarians, You have undoubtedly seen the devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey over the past few days in the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana. The sad statistics continue to grow with each hour, and there is no question that this is an unprecedented natural disaster, among the worst in US history, with levels of damage expected to be near those caused by Hurricane Katrina. As Rotarians who always place Service Above Self, your club's members are certainly asking "what can we do to help?". You've probably received pleas for support online, in social media, and perhaps even in direct emails, but who can you trust to respond in the way that is most appropriate and fair to all concerned?
Vince McCormack
2017-09-01 04:00:00Z |
Color For Kids - Braeside Gift
Posted by Vince McCormack
Color For Kids "My dream is for every kid to have their own box of crayons" A Few Words from Bethany "I am a fifth grade student in Pennsylvania, and I LOVE art and COLOR of any kind!! When I found out that not all kids have their own box of crayons, I got very upset, and I wanted to do something to change that. I started collecting all kinds of art supplies to send to kids who don't have their own and began a program called 'Color for Kids'. Hundreds of amazing people have donated to my program, and I am sharing COLOR with kids all across the globe. My hope is that one day, all kids will have a way to create with color. Together, we can color up the world!" In August 2016, Color for Kids became Color for Kids Inc and was approved as an official non-profit organization by the IRS. On July 10, 2017 Bethany and her Mom visited Braeside Camp and bought with them a few surprises. .png)

To read more about this amazing young lady, please check out her website at: COLOR FOR KIDS
Color For Kids - Braeside Gift
Vince McCormack
2017-07-10 04:00:00Z |
Goshen Rotary Run
Posted by Ronald Klieverik on Jul 01, 2017
Goshen Rotary Run
Ronald Klieverik
2017-07-01 04:00:00Z |
Taste of Goshen Thank You!
Posted on May 21, 2017
The Taste of Goshen - 2017 We would like to Thank all our wonderful Sponsors & Partners for a great afternoon. The money that we raised will go to our local projects like Our own Scholarship Foundation, The Third Grade Dictionaries, Jane's Purse, Spring Into Action Book Club.... And International Works like The Rotary Foundation, ShelterBox and Aquabox Projects... Hope to to see you all again next year too! May 21, 2017 And some of our Silent Auction Sponsors: Dr. Tracy Laufer | Rolly Peacock Rocking Chairs | Professor Buzz Zingaro Math Tutoring |
Taste of Goshen Thank You!
2017-05-21 04:00:00Z |
Social Mixer
Posted by Ronald Klieverik
Rotary is a global network of professionals who make a difference at home and abroad. JOIN US and bring a friend for an informational mixer Thursday June 8 from 5:30 – 8:00 PM at Delancey’s, 40 Park Pl, Goshen, NY 10924 Hors D’oeuvres provided Cash bar. The Rotary Club of Goshen, NY wants to build greater awareness of our local and international projects. Let’s find out what more we can do together for Goshen, our community, our kids, our families We want to hear from you! Become a member or friend of Rotary and make a difference The Rotary Club of Goshen NY
Social Mixer
Ronald Klieverik
2017-05-20 04:00:00Z |
ChildPrint ID Kits
Posted by Vince McCormack on Apr 21, 2017
ChildPrint ID Kits Chief James Watt (VGPD) receives a check from Doug Fazzino (Pres.) and James O'Donnell (Pres. Elect) to purchase more ChildPrint ID Kits. The ChildPrint ID Kit® assists parents in easily creating a confidential and extremely comprehensive record of their child’s personal and medical information, to keep at home for use in an emergency.
ChildPrint ID Kits
Vince McCormack
2017-04-21 04:00:00Z |
This is Rotary!
This is Rotary!
2017-04-07 04:00:00Z |
Taste of Goshen 2017
Posted by Vince McCormack
The Taste of Goshen - 2017 IS COMING  May 21, 2017 2:00 - 5:00 PM And some of our Silent Auction Sponsors: Dr. Tracy Laufer | Rolly Peacock Rocking Chairs | Professor Buzz Zingaro Math Tutoring |
Taste of Goshen 2017
Vince McCormack
2017-04-01 04:00:00Z |
Cub Scouts Pack 62 Honors Rolly Peacock
Posted by Vince McCormack on Apr 01, 2017
Cub Scouts Pack 62 Honors Rolly Peacock
Cub Scouts Pack 62 Honors Rolly Peacock
Vince McCormack
2017-04-01 04:00:00Z |
Rotary - Service above Self
Posted by PDG Doris Obremski on Mar 07, 2017
LIFE IS BUSY........A Snippet! Life is busy. Work, family, bills, repeat. What little free time remains is precious, and doled out sparingly. Yet across this country and across the world, people take time out of those busy lives to participate in a service club in their community. Some guide our youth by becoming girl scout or boys scout leaders. Others volunteer at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, humane societies, or another outlet that allows them to both contribute to their community and interact with others in formal or casual social service organizations. If you gaze out your window while driving through towns, you may see signs announcing the presence of some service organizations like Rotary, Lions, or Kiwanis.
Rotary - Service above Self
PDG Doris Obremski
2017-03-07 05:00:00Z |
2017 Interact Club - Baking Cookies for AquaBox
Posted by Diane Blanton on Feb 17, 2017
The Goshen HS Interact Club working hard making cookies for an AquaBox!
2017 Interact Club - Baking Cookies for AquaBox
Diane Blanton
2017-02-17 05:00:00Z |
2016 Glen Arden, Interact & Rotary Kids Party
Posted on Dec 09, 2016
2016 Joint Glen Arden, Interact and Rotary Holiday Party
Santa decided to take some time off from his busy Holiday schedule and spend it with his friends at the Rhinebeck Room at Glen Arden. There were plenty of helpers from The Interact Club.
2016 Glen Arden, Interact & Rotary Kids Party
2016-12-10 00:00:00Z |
"Jane's Purse" Donation
Posted on Dec 08, 2016
Jane's Purse Donation
Rotary President Doug Fazzino presents a $200. check for The Jane's Purse Fund to Lynette Dejesus and Assistant Principal Heather Carman of C.J. Hooker Middle School. Named after Jane Unhjem, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, who passed away on Sunday, August 19, 2012 from injuries sustained from a plane crash in Long Island.
"Jane's Purse" Donation
2016-12-09 00:00:00Z |
Interact Helps The Midnight Run
Posted on Dec 08, 2016
Building more than a sandwich!
Our Interact group spent their time building 150 sandwiches for The Midnight Run from The First Presbyterian Church in Goshen. Midnight Run is a volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground between the housed and the homeless. In over 1,000 relief missions per year, Midnight Run volunteers from churches, synagogues, schools and other civic groups distribute food, clothing, blankets and personal care items to the homeless poor on the streets of New York City. The late-night relief efforts create a forum for trust, sharing, understanding and affection. That human exchange, rather than the exchange of goods, is the essence of the Midnight Run mission.
Interact Helps The Midnight Run
2016-12-09 00:00:00Z |
Community Dinner @ St.James
Posted on Nov 25, 2016
Rotary Hosts a Community Dinner @ St. James
Community Dinner @ St.James
2016-11-26 00:00:00Z |
Rolly Leadership Award Recipent ORMC
Rolly Leadership Award Recipent ORMC
2016-11-24 00:00:00Z |
Etna for ORMC's Annual Giving Program
Etna for ORMC's Annual Giving Program
2016-11-24 00:00:00Z |
Posted by PDG Doris Obremski on Nov 21, 2016
PDG Doris Obremski
2016-11-22 00:00:00Z |
ShelterBox Bronze Award
Posted by Ronald Klieverik on Oct 25, 2016
ShelterBox Bronze Award
Ronald Klieverik
2016-10-26 00:00:00Z |
Goshen Dog Park Opens!!
Goshen gets a dog park, thanks to a Girl Scout with vision
Kelly Fellenzer's creation is an instant hit with Goshen's canines and their two-legged companions
Published Oct 12, 2016 at 4:59 pm (Updated Oct 13, 2016)

Goshen Dog Park creator Kelly Fellenzer (center) is flanked by Phyla Wright, wife of the park's namesake, Paul E. Wright, on her right and the Village of Goshen Mayor Kyle Roddey and Julie Turi, daughter of Paul and Phyla Wright on her left. Kevin Armistead, chair of the Goshen Parks and Recreation Commission, is in the back. (Photo by Geri Corey)
(l-r) Jim O'Donnell, (Rotary Club of Goshen NY, President-Elect), Kelly Fellenzer, John Fellenzer (Rotarian) and Kevin Armistead, chair of the Goshen Parks and Recreation Commission.
"I never imagined the support and assistance — time, money, effort — that I would receive. I’m speechless.”
Kelly Fellenzer
By Geri Corey
GOSHEN — Under a cloudless blue sky tinged with fall, dogs romped and played and ran up and down the hill at Goshen's Salesian Park on Route 207.
For seventeen-year-old Kelly Fellenzer, this day was a dream come true. Columbus Day, Oct. 10, marked the grand opening of the Goshen Dog Park, dedicated to the memory of Paul E. Wright — Goshen’s “Music Man.”
Goshen Dog Park Opens!!
2016-10-20 00:00:00Z |
This is Rotary
This is Rotary
2016-10-19 00:00:00Z |
History of Rotary
History of Rotary
2016-10-19 00:00:00Z |
Doris and Ken in England
Posted by PDG Doris Obremski
Hi! I am forwarding this link to photos from the British district Conference to our members who have been involved with the Friendship Exchange with the Carlton club over these many years because they can get glimpses of their friends if they zip through the string of photos.
For our Board members, I know you are not personally familiar with these folks, so just delete if you are not interested in getting a glimpse of what they do "across" the pond". Their current Governor, Colin Gell, is in the Carlton club and the folks you see with the "Stewards" banners on them are all from Carlton - they are our equivalent of Sergeants at Arms.
Doris and Ken in England
PDG Doris Obremski
2016-10-18 00:00:00Z |
2016 Family Fun Day IS COMING!!!!!
Posted by Vince McCormack
2016 Family Fun Day IS COMING!!!!!
Vince McCormack
2016-08-04 00:00:00Z |
Buzz & Pat's Excellent Adventure!
Where are they?
Buzz & Pat left Goshen, NY, for a road trip and finally stopped for a photo! But!!!!.. Where are they????...How will they get home? Bread crumb trail? Shall we send out a search party? Or wait till they call home for help?
Will they request a "Make Up"? Will they make it back for Thursday's meeting to hear Bill Monsoon!!!
Buzz & Pat's Excellent Adventure!
2016-07-26 00:00:00Z |
What is Rotary?
What is Rotary?
2016-07-21 00:00:00Z |
2016 32nd GAW Rotary Road Race Results!!!!
2016 32nd GAW Rotary Road Race Results!!!!
Congratulations to all our participants!!! Want to see your results...Please click link and Thank You for coming to our race! Hope to see you next year!
2016 32nd GAW Rotary Road Race Results!!!!
2016-07-02 00:00:00Z |
2016 Goshen Rotary Scholarship Foundation
Posted by Goshen Independent
2016 Goshen Rotary Scholarship Foundation
Goshen Independent
2016-07-02 00:00:00Z |
2016 Scout Pack 62 - Fun Night
2016 Scout Pack 62 - Fun Night
2016-05-17 00:00:00Z |
You Could Be A Rotarian If......
Posted by PDG Doris Obremski
-you enjoy fellowship with your peers;
-you would be proud knowing that you’ve help some adults seeking a new path to their future for themselves and their families;
-“Service Above Self” is a worthy goal;
- you’d enjoy seeing the faces of a couple hundred third graders’ lighting up when they receive their own free dictionary and tell you about it. REALLY! They LOVE it! And then you could enjoy reading their creative thank you notes.
- creating an afternoon of free fun for families in a safe environment with bouncies, competitions and plenty of space to run freely is a good idea;
-ethical behavior in life is is a goal you could encourage;
-when people are in desperate need after following a disaster, joining with us to ease some pains and burdens would give you great satisfaction;
-you could take pride in knowing you were part of a group of community leaders who also sponsor our high school service organization Interact whose members give so much to our community;
-visiting with some of your 1.2 million fellow Rotarians around the world in more than 200 countries and geographic regions in more than 33,000
clubs when on vacation or travelling for business would be something to look forward to;
-you recognize the possibilities and that all of this is only the beginning of what you can do if you choose;
-you could look forward to being a part of this and gather with us during the week welcoming visitors, hearing from expert speakers, getting updates on projects, networking and bragging (it will cost you a Happy Dollar).
Be our guest for lunch any Thursday at Glen Arden’s Rhinebeck Room at 12:15 if you’d like a firsthand experience and find out if
For more information, please click on the "Contact Us" button on the menu line.
You Could Be A Rotarian If......
PDG Doris Obremski
2016-05-09 00:00:00Z |
Cub Scout Pack 62
Our Cub Scout Pack 62, held their Blue & Gold Banquet at Kuhls Highland House, Saturday, April 2nd, 2016. Attended by Rolly Peacock and Vince McCormack. The program included demonstrations and skits performed by the 4 Dens: Webelos, Tigers, Bears and Wolves. An A/V presentation was shown, reflecting on the Pack's many achievements. Awards were then presented to both Scouts and parents.
2016-04-13 00:00:00Z |
2016 Braeside - Museum Village Project
Goshen Shares with Central Orange Sunrise Rotary; Museum Village Summer Educational Trip Project
Story by Natasha Tomlins, Central Orange Sunrise Rotary Club
Doris Obremski came to speak about Camp Braeside Project. The Goshen Rotary has been involved with the camp since the 1930’s, even have a cabin named after them. Over the years they have made shutters, painted walls and repaired floors and now their newest endeavor is the Museum Village Summer Educational Trip Project. The Project is spearheaded by Braeside Camp Director Craig Altman and PDG Doris Obremski. Braeside Camp exists in a beautiful and peaceful setting (an oasis in the heart of Middletown NY) The campus is complete with tall trees, rolling hills and a creek that wraps around the perimeter, all creating the perfect backdrop to the endless fun and frivolity that takes place here in the summer. Braeside Camp is a not for profit and is dedicated to providing an authentic, enriching and educational overnight camp experience for kids in the Orange County NY area. While the camp serves many children, it is dedicated especially to those that could not otherwise afford such an experience.

Museum Village Summer Educational Trip Project was developed to raise funding for entry fees and transportation for 4 different trips from 10am-2pm from Braeside Camp the Museum Village over the summer for each of the 4 two week sessions for 6-12 year old children to attend and experience hand-on exhibits while exploring and interpreting 19th century rural life as well as inspiring an appreciation for the evolution of industry and technology in America. Entry fees for 80 children to attend includes entry fee and transportation is of $4,360. Both Museum Village and Mid-City Transit have given discounts to contribute to this cause. If you would like to make a donation please contact Doris Obremski at845-294-9241 or email
2016 Braeside - Museum Village Project
2016-04-04 00:00:00Z |
2016 Dictionary Project
2016 Dictionary Project
2016-03-03 00:00:00Z |