Posted by Vince McCormack on Aug 18, 2022

Sharon Toney-Finch, YIT Foundation Founder 

   The Yerik Israel Toney Foundation strives to raise awareness of premature births, offer assistance to preemies (and their families), and provide a place to stay or transportation while the babies are in NICU. We also help homeless and low-income military service veterans in need of living assistance.
   Founded in 2016, the Yerik Israel Toney Foundation is a non profit full 501(c)3 foundation based in Monticello, New York (Sullivan County) which helps families with premature newborns (“preemies”), military service veterans and their families. We help provide housing, healthcare and other necessary assistance to veterans who need our help.
   At YIT Foundation, we are driven by a single goal: to help families that struggle to see their preemies in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) as they often live far from the hospital.
   We also work to provide permanent housing to homeless military veterans and often help them secure available benefits and entitlements to help offset living expenses.